[IMG: Finger On The Pulse] Finger On The Pulse, Episode #13 (Shot on January 21, 2005):
Boyskout played a fun, dance-inducing set at San Francisco's Bottom Of The Hill.

[IMG: Boyskout]

Broadcast Date:
Sunday, March 6, 2005, 9:30pm - 10:00pm, San Francisco Comcast Cable Channel 29
Sunday, April 2, 2006, 9:30pm - 10:00pm, San Francisco Cable Channel 29

Episode Credits:
All songs written by Boyskout (Copyright 2004, 2005)
Performed by
  Leslie Satterfield, vocals, guitar
  Zola Goodrich, keyboards, backing vocals
  Piper Lewine, bass, backing vocals
  Scott Tusa, drums
Filmed by tack and Sarah Gordon
Edited by Sarah Gordon

Episode Setlist:
Vitamin C
Suicide (excerpt)
Another Life (Fantastic) (excerpt)
Jesse James
Everybody Knew
Back To Bed

Related Links:
http://www.boyskout.com/ (Band's website)

Episode Notes:
Boyskout is so great to watch in concert--it was a pleasure to edit this episode! Thanks also to tack for helping me film it.

Episode Errata:

  • Not one, but two batteries cut out on me during this shoot. That is why two of the songs are excerpts in this episode. Apologies to Boyskout for this equipment failure. Alas, the equipment from the public access station isn't as loved and cared for as it should be.

    Equipment Used:
    Footage was shot on both the Sony DCR-HC20 and Sony DSR-PD150 on MiniDV. The show was edited at the AccessSF edit suite.

    Copyright ©2004-2006, Sarah Gordon, sarahatfingeronthepulsedotorg, www.fingeronthepulse.org